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× Cisco AAUCMF
Class Location:

In-Person & Virtual

Class Schedule:

Aug 2024 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Class Time:

10 AM - 6 PM (EDT) (GTR: Guaranteed to Run)

Class Type:

Mon - Fri

Class Year:


Dates: Location: Time:
Aug 2024 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 In-Person & Virtual 10 AM - 6 PM (EDT) (GTR: Guaranteed to Run)
$4,200.00 $4,200.00
Estimated total: $4,200.00
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Meetup Benefits:

Earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Use the opportunity to meet Hiring Managers
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Post-Class exam prep:
  • Request access to practice questions by sending an
    email to
  • Pick a date to take the certification exam (intellectual
    Point Testing Center closed on Fridays)
  • When prepared, call (571-577-7890 | etx:102) to
    shedule the exam
  • Show up 15 minutes prior to the appointment with 2
    forms of ID
  • Share the official result with Intellectual Point team after
    the exam

Cart totals

Subtotal $4,200.00
Total $4,200.00
