Bug Bounty Hunting – Can this be your full-time job?

Bug Bounty Hunting – Can this be your full-time job?

Bug hunting is a trendy side gig, and several reports have been published showing that many ethical hackers want to participate more. But is the juice worth the squeeze? Can you become a top ethical hacker who sits at your house all day doing nothing but trying to break into companies who are willing to pay you to do it? The answer is…it depends. Bug bounties are prizes offered in exchange for discovering cyber security vulnerabilities, and as the tech industry grows, so does the need for good bounty hunters.

Bug bounty hunters have profiles that contain substantial information about their track records. These records help organizations determine the skill level of the hunter. This can indicate the number of vulnerabilities you have discovered, the impact of the vulnerability, and essentially track how successful you have been.

Why am I talking about tracking your statistics? You must learn the trade. This can take a significant amount of time. You need to learn the attack types and how to conduct them, what to look for, what the results should be, and all the variations of that attack. Not just for one attack, for all of them. The more you know the better. It takes time to hone the skill set required to attempt multiple attack types and establish how successful they are. You can use your profile to track those stats and become a seasoned hunter. The longer you have been hunting, the more private invites you will receive. This is an opportunity game, and you need to establish a constant flow of bug hunting opportunities to make this into a full-time job. We wish you luck on your bug hunt!

Public Bug Bounty Program List

DoD HackerOne

Meta Bug Bounty Program Info


You should get started with Certified Ethical Hacker or CompTIA Security+


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