The Future is Now: Consider a Career in Robotics


The Future is Now: Consider a Career in Robotics

By contributor Lyan Ware


With algorithms and automations taking increasing responsibility for making our world go round, is it even a question as to whether or not one should consider a career in robotics? Robotics offers a plethora of exciting opportunities for individuals seeking a dynamic and impactful career. From healthcare and manufacturing to space exploration and entertainment, robotics plays a pivotal role in shaping the future. This article explores why the robotics field is a remarkable career path to consider.


Robotics and innovation go hand in hand. As a roboticist, you’ll have the chance to create novel solutions that push the boundaries of what’s possible. Whether you’re developing autonomous drones, humanoid robots, or robotic exoskeletons, the field constantly presents fresh challenges that demand creative thinking and problem-solving skills. The field is a playground where diverse disciplines converge. From mechanical engineering and electronics to computer science and artificial intelligence, the field requires a harmonious blend of skills. This multidisciplinary nature means you’ll have the opportunity to learn and collaborate across various domains, enriching your knowledge and making your skill set incredibly versatile.


There are robots that help surgeons perform operations without bloodying their hands, agricultural robots that optimize crop yields, aquatic robots that monitor marine ecosystems, as well as many other industrial robots performing tasks otherwise hazardous to humans. By working in robotics, you can contribute directly to solutions for some of humanity’s most pressing concerns.


This wide array of applications across industries makes robotics a unique field that offers an abundance of job diversity and job security. There’s a multitude of career paths to choose from. Robotics professionals can work in research and development, software programming, hardware engineering, or in the ethical and regulatory aspects of the technology. This diversity not only allows individuals to explore their interests but also adapt their skills to various sectors, reducing the risk of job stagnation. According to a study done by Zion Market Research, the industrial robotics market is projected to reach $81.4 billion by 2028, which is a significant increase from its $41.7 billion valuation in 2021.


As automation continues to advance, the demand for skilled roboticists remains high. Companies across virtually all industries increasingly rely on robotics to enhance productivity and efficiency. This reliance ensures a steady need for experts who can design, maintain, and improve these robotic systems. Additionally, the ongoing development of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies further bolsters job security, as robotics professionals with expertise in these areas are vital for creating intelligent and adaptable robotic solutions.


Below are some examples of the most in-demand jobs in robotics:

  • Robotics engineer: Robotics engineers design, build, and test robots and robotic systems. They are responsible for developing the software and hardware that control robots, ensuring they operate safely and efficiently.
  • Mechanical engineer: Mechanical engineers design and develop the physical components of robots, such as motors, sensors, and actuators. They also work on the design and development of the robot’s structure and chassis.
  • Electrical engineer: Electrical engineers design and develop the electrical systems that power robots. They work on the design and development of the robot’s power supply, control systems, and sensors.
  • Sales engineer: Sales engineers work with clients to understand their needs and develop solutions that meet those needs. In the robotics industry, sales engineers help clients understand how robots can improve their operations and provide guidance on selecting the right robot for their needs.
  • User interface designer: User interface designers create the visual and interactive elements of robots that users interact with. They are responsible for designing the robot’s interface, including its display, buttons, and other controls.
  • Electromechanical technician: Electromechanical technicians install, maintain, and repair robots and robotic systems. They are responsible for ensuring that robots operate safely and efficiently.
  • Account manager: Account managers work with clients to manage their accounts and ensure that their needs are being met. In the robotics industry, account managers work with clients to ensure that their robots are operating efficiently and that they are getting the support they need.
  • Automation engineer: Automation engineers design and develop automated systems, including robots, that can perform tasks without human intervention. They work on the design and development of the robot’s software and hardware systems.
  • Robotics technician: Robotics technicians work with robotics engineers to build and test robots and robotic systems. They are responsible for assembling and testing the robot’s components and ensuring that they operate safely and efficiently.


For those interested in breaking into this industry, they’ll need to pursue education and training to develop certain skills, like programming.


Python, for example, is a popular programming language for robotics due to its simplicity, readability, and versatility. It can be used for a wide range of tasks, including machine learning, computer vision, and control systems. It also has a large community and many open-source libraries and frameworks that support robotics development. C++, Java, and Lisp are other programming languages commonly used in robotics.


Another useful skill that robotics professionals should learn is Robotic Process Automation (RPA). RPA is a software technology that utilizes software robots or AI agents to automate rule-based, high-volume tasks across various industries, including insurance, banking, finance, healthcare, and telecommunications. RPA creates bots that mimic human actions, interacting with digital systems, entering data, and performing tasks efficiently.


Overall, the robotics industry offers a wide range of exciting career opportunities for individuals with a variety of skills and expertise. From engineering and design to sales and support, there are many different roles available in this rapidly growing field. For those looking for a career that puts them at the forefront of advancing technology, for those intrigued by exciting challenges and revolutionizing the day-to-day of humankind, perhaps a career in robotics is exactly what you’ve been looking for.


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