Rapid Test Prep Is Your Tool For Success

Study with Rapid Test Prep Powered by Intellectual Point

The best way for success in passing your test is to practice. Once you take a class with us we will provide access to our RapidTestPrep.com website. Be sure to read the study guide from class and understand it. Review the objectives and understand them. Then you can log in to Rapid Test Prep and practice.

Rapid Test Prep Screens

With Rapid Test Prep you can keep practicing until you feel ready. You have the option for Study Mode or Test Mode. You can pick the amount of time and how difficult you want the questions to be.

Rapid Test Prep Quiz Options


The results are shown as soon as you finish, so you can review any you got wrong and learn the correct answer. Be sure to understand why you got answers wrong so you get them correctly next time.

Rapid Test Prep Results Screen

Taking a test can be stressful, especially if a lot is riding on the results. However, if you work hard to learn the material, study thoroughly and follow these tips, you are sure to have a successful test-taking experience.


Before the test:

  • Get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to travel to the testing facility.
  • Don’t study right before the test. Concentrate on being calm and mentally accessing the information you have already studied
  • Eliminate negative thoughts or self-talk by replacing them with a positive affirmation, like “I am prepared for the test and I will do well” or “I am smart – I can do this.”


During the test:

  • Read all questions carefully.
  • On multiple-choice tests, be sure to read every possible answer before making your selection.
  • Don’t dwell on questions that you are unsure of the answer. Move to the next question and come back to the unanswered question at the end.
  • Check your work to make sure you did not mistakenly mark an incorrect answer.


At Intellectual Point, our modern, clean and quiet test-taking facilities are set up to help you succeed. Be sure to study and master the material and you will be well on your way to that next certification!


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Rapid Test Prep



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