Artificial Intelligence Workshop And Continued Education

AI Workshop

Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning Overview for the Decision Makers

This is a 2-hour in-depth workshop that will teach you what AI, ML, and Deep Learning is and how you can use it. You will walk away with a clear understanding of how AI/ML can reduce costs, improve predictability and improve customer experience, and It is free! Let us come to you!

  • Introduction to AI, ML, Deep Learning and Blockchain Concepts
  • Main Drivers for AI Adoption, Supervised/Unsupervised learning & Inference Models State of AI in the Federal Government Today (What is hype and what is real)
  • AI Use Cases in Federal to help with Agency Mission
    • Fraud Detection & Mitigation
    • Geospatial Intelligence using Drone and Satellite Imagery Fusion Platform Sustainment
    • Insider Threat Detection and Mitigation
    • Smart Video Analytics
    • Autonomous Sensors and Large Scale Object Detection Predictive Cyber Analytics & Next Gen Threat Mitigation
    • AI & ML for Healthcare
    • GPU Accelerated HPC Applications
    • Robotic Process Automation
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Maturity Model AI Road map to Success
  • 7 Layer Technology Stack for AI Solutions
  • AI/ML HyperCAP 2.0 Solution Stack & AI Ready Bundles from Nvidia/Dell EMC & Ecosystem Partners for Accelerating AI (Platform Built for AI Applications)
  • What is the potential ROI/ Financial Payback of investment in AI/ ML Projects?
  • How some of the agencies and private organizations are leveraging AI/ ML to reduce costs, improve predictability and improve customer experience?
  • Overcoming the risks and challenges in the adoption of AI/ ML solutions.
  • Best Practices in Protecting Data Security, Ethics and Governance in the AI/ ML projects
  • Importance and Role of Data Scientists in the successful adoption of AI/ ML Projects
  • Leveraging the power of Hybrid Cloud Offerings & Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Accelerating AI/ ML Adoption
  • Getting started with Proof of Concept/ Proof of Value on AI/ ML project
  • How will Intellectual Point enable you to embrace and adopt AI in your agency?

Mark your calendar for upcoming AI workshops held at Intellectual Point. Attend one of our digital meetups to learn about our upcoming workshops, and connect with IT industry leaders.

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