It is Time to Share Your CompTIA Certification Badges!

CompTIA Certification Badges – How to Share Them

A Digital Badge is a way for you to share your CompTIA achievements. It’s a badge that contains specific information specifically about you. It can help show skill sets that you have demonstrated prerequisite knowledge for on social media platforms, emails, resumes, and online portfolios.


So how do I get them?

Anytime you earn a CompTIA certification, you’ll receive an email that will allow you to claim the badge for that certification.  All you need to do is follow a few simple steps.


STEP 1: You will receive an email from CompTIA that looks like this:


STEP 2: Clicking on the link will take you to the CompTIA Digital Badge information site. This site will direct you to create an account on the Acclaim site. Once there, go through the account creation process. The site will want you to confirm you email. Go to your email address and click the Confirm My Email link.


STEP 3: This will take you to the login screen for Credly. Select Sign In.


STEP 4: Select “Accept Badge” at the top of your screen. Configure both toggles to “On”.


STEP 5: You can share your badges by clicking the SHARE button at the top of your screen and selecting the website you would like to share it on. Congratulations!


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